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Pilgrims to U.S./Mexico Border Observe Danger and Hope

Migrants come to Nogales--a city that spans the U.S./Mexico border--from all over Central and South America, fleeing from dangerous life situations. Seven lay people and three clergy from the Northern Illinois Conference traveled to that city from March 20 to 24 to observe up close the hardship and courage of those who cross or live near the border. The group took a pilgrimage to Nogales from March 20 to 24 to learn about the migrant experience.

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Korean Peace Reflections & Prayers Unites Conference Members in Hope

A group of Korean-American pastors led the Northern Illinois Conference members on June 7 in  prayers, songs, and personal testimonies for peace in this 70th anniversary of the Korean Armistice. The armistice ended the war, but an expected peaceful settlement has never been completed. This was perhaps the most moving part of the Northern Illinois Conference session, held June 6-8 in Schaumburg, Ill.

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Pilgrims Marching Across Edmund Pettus Bridgecr

‘Broken but Changed Hearts’: NIC Pilgrims Trace the Civil Rights Journey

In late April 2023, a racially diverse group of 37 Northern Illinois clergy and lay people took a Civil Rights Pilgrimage to key historic sites where Black Americans courageously pursued freedom and justice.

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NIC Churches and Members Step Up with Storm Recovery Help

Images of trees torn out by their roots and roofs pierced by tree limbs and reports of tornadoes dominated the news in late March and early April. Northern Illinois United Methodists immediately offered help and support those whose lives were disrupted.

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Repair The Harm To Children

Repair the Harm to Children Campaign Launched

The Boy Scouts of America recently settled a lawsuit related to accusations of sexual abuse of children. The United Methodist Church—one of the parties in the suit—is committed to caring for the children who were harmed and to preventing abuse in the future. The Northern Illinois Conference Trustees and Council on Finance and Administration, in collaboration with Bishop Dan Schwerin and the conference staff, created the Repair the Harm to Children Campaign to respond to the victims’ needs.

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Damage At Camp Reynoldswood

Bishop Calls for Prayer for Storm Victims

During the first days of April, a number of Northern Illinois communities have been battered by storms. These include Belvidere, where a tornado touched ground on April 1, and Camp Reynoldswood, which suffered damage to the roof of one of its buildings on April 4.

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