Sign Up
The Nominations Committee is seeking individuals interested in serving in all ministry areas of the conference.
To sign up to volunteer, click here.
Do you know your Spiritual Gifts? Click here to take an assessment.
Instructions and Committee Descriptions:
- You may serve on only one Administrative Committee and only one Program Committee at the same time.
- If you serve on the Conference Council of Finance and Administration, you may not serve on any other committee.
- Serving on Board of Ordained Ministry does not preclude one from serving on other committees.
- You may only serve two quadrenniums, unless under special circumstances up to an additional two years.
- Annual Conference Committee – plans and produces all regular and special called sessions of the Annual Conference
- Board of Ordained Ministry - tasked with recruiting and credentialing candidates and clergy, as well as recommending them for licensing and ordination and developing standards for continuing formation and regular evaluation
- Board of Pensions – charged with pensioning of clergy and their families, other church workers, and lay employees of the institutions, organizations, and agencies of the conference
- Board of Trustees – works as stewards of property entrusted to the conference (district and episcopal parsonages, closed churches, and camps), oversees the conference property insurance program, and collaborates with the Cabinet and staff to maximize conference assets
- Commission on Archives and History – charged with acquiring and preserving records of enduring value generated by congregations, institutions, commissions, and other administrative bodies of the conference
- Commission on Equitable Compensation - responsible for recommending the base compensation standards for the annual conference, and encouraging the efforts of the Conference to adjust to the current financial reality
- Committee on Episcopacy – serves to support and counsel the bishop and to evaluate and recommend the leadership needs of the episcopal area
- Committee on Nominations – assists in the volunteer staffing of conference ministries
- Council on Finance and Administration – charged to develop, maintain, and administer a comprehensive and coordinated plan of fiscal and administrative policies, procedures, and management services for the annual conference
- Credentials Committee – supports the work of the Annual Conference by authenticating its membership
- Personnel Committee - The Personnel Committee of the Northern Illinois Conference is the human resources authority for lay staff who work at the Conference and is responsible for establishing uniform and equitable policies and practices in the employment and compensation of personnel, in compliance with employment law and consultation and cooperation with other denominational agencies.
- Board of Church and Society – serves to connect the General Board of Church and Society with the districts and local churches in the work of relating the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the world through education and actions on issues consistent with the Social Principles and policies adopted by the General Conference
- Board of Global Ministries - serves to connect the General Board of Global ministries with the conference in its work of relating the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the world through missional witness
- Board of Higher Education and Campus Ministries – assist and support the conference’s five campus ministries seeking to educate, nurture, and prepare the next generation of leaders for the church and the world
- Board of Laity – provides support and direction for the ministry of the laity on the local, district, and conference level through building relationships and connections with local church leaders and clergy for equipping and empowering them for ministry
- Board of Outdoor and Retreat Ministries – oversees the ministry of the two conference-owned camps
- Committee on Religion and Race – charged to challenge, lead, and equip the conference to become interculturally competent, to ensure institutional equity, and to facilitate vital conversations about religion, race, and culture
- Commission on Christian Unity and Interreligious Concerns – works to ensure that our relationships with other churches and other faiths reflect God’s love that embraces all people into knowing themselves as a household at God’s table
- Commission on the Status and Role of Women – works toward the full and equal participation of women in the total life of the church through ministries of education, advocacy, monitoring, and cooperation
- Committee on Accessibility Ministries – helps churches make their ministries accessible to all with resources regarding physical structures, vision assistance and hearing assistance
- Committee on Native American Ministries – provides resources to explore the history, culture, and theology of Native Americans, explore the 2012 General Conference call to repentance, and support the conference’s relationship with the St. Kateri Center of Chicago
- Council on Older Adult Ministries – works to ensure the quality of life for older adults by equipping local church ministries with training, providing information, support and motivation, leadership, and present opportunities for life enrichment and spiritual growth
- Council on Young People's Ministries - presents opportunities for enrichment and spiritual growth with and for young adults, youth, and children
- Spiritual Formation – works to raise up spiritual leaders through quality retreat courses to empower both laity and clergy in their roles as spiritual leaders in the church and the world