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From the Bishop: The Conspiracy of Silence

Bishop Dan Schwerin calls on United Methodists to break the silence surrounding injustices fueled by powerful interests, urging the church to confront hatred and its consequences. He challenges believers to engage in conversations, build relationships, and take action that reflects the genuine love of Christ.

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Latinx Family

From Bishop Schwerin: Welcome the Strangers Among Us

Bishop Dan Schwerin calls United Methodists to stand with nonviolent migrants, immigrants, and refugees in this country.

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From the Bishop: Council of Bishops Letter on Immigration

The Council of Bishops is asking United Methodists to advocate for the rights, safety, and dignity of the immigrants among us. Pastors will read the bishops' letter from their pulpits.

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From the Bishop: Can 2025 Be a Year of Grace?

The Bishop shares about transformative power of grace, as described in 2 Corinthians 12:9, is central to the United Methodist understanding of faith. In 2025, the Northern Illinois and Wisconsin conferences will embrace a year of grace, experimenting with new ministries, fostering cultural competency, and reframing mission as an act of love and renewal, grounded in God’s unmerited favor.

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A Prayer for the Ripples from a School Shooting in Madison Today

Yet once again, we mourn the losses of those lives taken because of a school shooting, and we lament the lack of safety and the anxiety our children must bear because adults cannot create secure environments for education.

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A Prayer for the People of the Republic of Korea and the Diaspora

Bishop Dan Schwerin invites people to join him in prayer as the people of the Republic of Korea are concerned about their homeland. A recent call for martial law, though turned down, has provoked dismay.

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