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Nic Collections End July 2024 Cmyk

Have you made your contribution?

In an effort to be more transparent, the Finance and Administration office is going to be consistently sharing where we are as a conference are in regards to the giving versus what is needed for us to continue our impact. This giving supports our ministries, outreach programs, employees and daily operations.

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Apportionment Logo No Words

2024 Our Connectional Generosity is Rising

The 2024 apportionment contributions reflect a positive trend in giving across the Northern Illinois Conference. Churches contributed $4,110,820 toward conference apportionments (79% of the total) and $814,994 toward the General Church apportionment (46% of the total), both showing steady improvement from previous years. More churches increased their giving, demonstrating a commitment to our connectional ministry, but continued growth is needed to fully support the mission of the church.

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Mission Links Change the World

The Northern Illinois Conference and the Conference Global Board of Ministries celebrate the churches that went the extra mile as 100% Mission Links supporters. In 2024, NIC churches contributed over $440,000 in second-mile giving and more than $70,000 in Special Sunday offerings, supporting mission projects worldwide. Through Mission Links, churches empower communities by funding missionaries, disaster relief, education, health services, and more, demonstrating the United Methodist commitment to transformative ministry.

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Apportionment Logo

Apportionments Unite Us and Strengthen Our Ministries

Being United Methodist means being connectional, with local churches working together through apportionments to support the Northern Illinois Conference and the global UMC. Apportionments fund critical ministries, including leadership development, church revitalization, and global mission efforts, strengthening local and global ministries. Churches paying 100% of their apportionments help ensure vibrant congregations, new disciples, and opportunities to transform the world through shared mission and generosity.

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Help Others Hands 2805248 1920 Cmyk

We give to sustain God’s love in the world

Cate Whitcomb reflects on 30 years of membership at First United Methodist Church of Evanston, where themes of faith, community, and mission have guided her family’s giving. She views their pledge as a joyful commitment to support church staff, worship, music, and global mission work, fostering God’s love in the world.

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Give Flower 22656 1280 Cmyk

Being Made in the Image of God as Giver

There are many reasons and motivations for “why” people give to churches and charities. Humans are made in the image of God (Gen. 1:26), so we should do more than wonder about this identity we have, being made in God’s image as a giver. We should exercise our souls by actually giving, so that we build up our spiritual health by practicing God’s creative purposes as givers. 

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