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After You Leave AC

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Attendance at the annual conference session is the basis for the work you will do in your congregation throughout the year.

What do to after you leave Annual Conference:

An effective member of annual conference informs the congregation about The United Methodist Church in the conference and around the world.

  • Write your reactions about proceedings, discussions, worship experiences, special ceremonies, music, and so on as preparation for later sharing with your congregation. Keep an accurate record of the votes taken that will have an impact on the congregation’s nances, operations, and ministry.
  • Share information with your congregation about your experience. Remember that the report to the congregation and the church council is to be given as soon as possible but not later than three months after the close of the annual conference session.
  • Search the Northern Illinois Conference websites and The United Methodist Church news sources. Make sure you share the news and opportunities offered by our Conference with your congregation throughout the year.
  • You may also choose to participate in the annual conference, district committees, or work areas. Contact your pastor and your District Superintendent for more guidance on how to serve.


Helpful Tips and Articles for Your Report

Maybe you didn't get the word that part of the responsibility of being the Lay Member to Annual Conference is to report back to your local church.

  • The most important thing is to share information with your congregation about your experience.
  • Check out this article, Why Your Church Needs Annual Conference Reports (from Resource UMC)
  • There is usually a recap produced by Northern Illinois Conference Communications on the news page. Annual Conference daily reports and other summary articles may be  produced that may help in your preparation.
  • Be sure to do it as soon as possible.
  • It doesn't need to be long.
  • Start with what you liked best about it. Try to tell them a story about an interaction you had with another person. Tell them how you felt the Spirit and where you saw God throughout the sessions. 
  • Be sure to tell them what was voted on and what the results were.


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