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Plans Are Shaping Up for 2025 Annual Conference

The Northern Illinois Conference’s 186th session, themed “Grace is Sufficient,” will take place June 9-11. Bishop Dan Schwerin, inspired by the transformative power of grace, encourages participants to focus on grace through worship, teaching, and storytelling, with key scripture references from Ephesians 2:8 and 2 Corinthians 12:9.

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Stronger Together: Practical Steps Toward Observing a Year of Grace

Rev. Fabiola Grandon-Mayer provides practical ways to live a year in grace, inviting individuals and congregations to embrace God’s unmerited favor as a foundation for faith and action. By living out grace in practical ways, United Methodists can align their ministries with God’s boundless love and share its transformative power with the world.

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Hands Together Smiling Team Community Young Adult Adobestock 433760081

NIC Grants Boost Church Ministries to Communities

The Northern Illinois Conference provides grants to empower churches to expand ministries, address community needs, and strengthen their mission to make disciples and serve others. In 2024, over $100,000 was distributed through various grants, enabling congregations to remain vibrant centers of worship and service while fostering social justice, inclusivity, and community engagement.

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Cccr With Anti Racism Cmyk

Conference Task Forces Become Permanent Committees

The Northern Illinois Conference is integrating the Discipleship and Anti-Racism Task Forces into the Discipleship Committee and the Commission on Religion and Race, respectively, starting Jan. 1, 2025. This transition ensures the continuation of their goals—growing disciples, addressing racism, and increasing vital congregations—within permanent committees, reflecting the conference’s long-term commitment to these priorities.

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Repairing the Harm to Children—Because They Matter

Inspired by Isaiah 58:12 and the message of hope brought by Christ’s birth, the conference aims to be a “repairer of the breach” and encourages others to contribute to this effort as a way of sharing hope and healing with the world. Martha Rudy of First United Methodist Church of Evanston, shares how they designated their Advent and Christmas offering to the Repair the Harm to Children Fund, supporting the Boy Scouts of America Survivor Trust.

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Apportionments Unite Us and Strengthen Our Ministries

Being United Methodist means being connectional, with local churches working together through apportionments to support the Northern Illinois Conference and the global UMC. Apportionments fund critical ministries, including leadership development, church revitalization, and global mission efforts, strengthening local and global ministries. Churches paying 100% of their apportionments help ensure vibrant congregations, new disciples, and opportunities to transform the world through shared mission and generosity.

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