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Repair The Harm Comittment Graphic

Work Needed to Fulfill Our Commitment

To fulfill our commitment to the survivors through the “Repair the Harm to Children” campaign, over $440,000 is still needed to meet the Northern Illinois Conference’s share. his initiative is not just a financial commitment but a moral obligation to support healing and prevent future harm. Help us bring healing and hope to survivors of Boy Scouts abuse. If you haven’t pledged or given, now’s the time.

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2022 Safe Sanctuaries Graphic

Stronger Together: Creating a Safe Sanctuary

As we enter the “Back to School” season, it’s a crucial time for churches to reflect on the safe spaces we offer to our children and youth through programs like Sunday School and Youth Groups. Just as parents prepare their kids for school, churches must ensure their environments are safe and welcoming. The Safe Sanctuaries initiative, essential for protecting our young ones, requires ongoing commitment and training.

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Repair The Harm To Children Cmyk 300

For survivors’ sake, pledge to the Repair the Harm Fund today

What would you give to keep a child safe? What would you give to help the wounded heal? Northern Illinois Conference’s Bishop Dan Schwerin asks churches to prayerfully consider these questions as they make a pledge to the conference’s Repair the Harm campaign. The campaign is raising $754,348 toward a survivors’ fund for those who endured abuse while participating in Boy Scout activities.

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Teacher Students

DYK? It’s School Time

While we prepare our children for their classes, teachers, administrators, and a vast array of staff prepare buildings, classrooms, and lesson plans. They review the safety and security of the school buildings and playgrounds. Today is a good day to stop and think about all that goes into providing our children with a safe and welcoming environment for learning. Today is a good day to thank those who do this work.

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Repair The Harm To Children

Repair the Harm to Children Campaign Launched

The Boy Scouts of America recently settled a lawsuit related to accusations of sexual abuse of children. The United Methodist Church—one of the parties in the suit—is committed to caring for the children who were harmed and to preventing abuse in the future. The Northern Illinois Conference Trustees and Council on Finance and Administration, in collaboration with Bishop Dan Schwerin and the conference staff, created the Repair the Harm to Children Campaign to respond to the victims’ needs.

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Safe Sanctuaries Logo Wide

Creating safer and more welcoming spaces

One of the goals of the Northern Illinois Conference for 2022 was to ramp up our Safe Sanctuaries training and increase the number of volunteers who have gone through this valuable course. Online training through Safe Gatherings is an ongoing tool for this training. In addition, eight Safe Sanctuaries Trainings were held in 2022 throughout the summer and fall to train over 1,850 lay and staff. This brings our number of people leaders in the past 2 years to over 2,790!

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