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Martin Lee New 5 2024 Cmyk

Mentors and the lessons of humility

As I begin my retirement from appointed ministry in the Northern Illinois Conference, I recall the mentors who gave me hope and encouraged high expectations. 

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Arts Culture 2024 Logo

Series embraces the rich diversity of music, art and history

The art and culture of different ethnicities is the 2024 focus for the NIC Anti-Racism Task Force series. They will piece together a variety of experiences and learning in “The Quilting of America: Celebrating the Diversity of God’s Children.”  

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Joy Camp Img1 Cmyk

JOY Camp welcomes fifth-graders through high schoolers

Young people starting fifth grade through newly graduated high-school students can participate in JOY Camp, June 23-29, a popular camp annually at Camp Reynoldswood, Dixon, IL. All are welcome, regardless of where they are in their journey of faith. 

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Day Anti Racism 1 Cymk

Workshop equips youth leaders to teach anti-racism

Chicago and suburban church youth leaders gathered at Wesley United Methodist Church in Aurora on April 13 to explore laying the groundwork for friendships and alliances to fight racism.  "Becoming the Beloved Community: Disciplining Anti-Racist Youth,"  a morning workshop, was presented by the Anti-Racism Task Force of the Northern Illinois Conference. It was developed specifically for leaders of youth based on the Becoming Beloved Community Workshop that is offered to churches.

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Love Heart Fadi Xd I4dr572y7l0 Unsplash Cmyk

Leading the Laity: Choose love over fear

As we revel in and appreciate the mighty acts of Christ during Holy Week and on Resurrection Sunday, allow me to remind us all that Eastertide does not end until the book of Revelation. Though we celebrate the season of Lent anew each year as a reminder of the mighty acts of Christ, the fact is, Easter never ends. That is why we are called Easter People. 

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Gc2020 Logo Rev Clr Vert

DYK: What is a General Conference?

United Methodists have heard the phrase General Conference tossed about frequently these days. A General Conference is a representative gathering of laity and clergy who come together to set church laws, processes, budgets, elect committee members, consider resolutions on social issues, hear reports, and frame the work of the denomination for the coming four years. 

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