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Sympathy Notice: Rev. Viola Moore

Rev. Viola Moore, a Unitarian minister and spouse of deceased clergy member Rev. Robert Moore of the Northern Illinois Conference, passed away on Wednesday, April 5, 2017.

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September is hunger action month

In the midst of any community in the United States in 2017, hunger looms as a widespread but very often invisible problem. Data indicates that 1 in 5 children and 1 in 10 families are food insecure – wondering where their next meal might be coming from or having to choose between paying a bill, getting medical help or putting a healthy meal on the table.

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Why I am a United Methodist

I wasn’t raised in The United Methodist church. My family is Mennonite. While growing up, the church was the center of our lives. Through the church, I was given many opportunities for leadership (usually breaking the gender bar along the way) and mission. The church shaped me in many ways.

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Sympathy Notice: Rev. Erika Hundrieser

Rev. Erika Hundrieser, retired clergy member of the Northern Illinois Conference passed away on Monday, August 21, 2017.

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Safe Gatherings training available online

Safe Gatherings is an online training program that screens and educates staff and volunteers to help prevent abuse of children, youth, and vulnerable adults in group settings.

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Bishop pastoral statement on racism and violence

On August 12 a national tragedy occurred (again) when supremacist and neo-Nazi groups went to Charlottesville, VA and gave rise to violence, destruction, and death. We are grieving for the individuals involved but even more so, what these acts of racism and violence say about us as a people.

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