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Sympathy Notice: Molly O. Holtsford

Mrs. Molly O. Holtsford, surviving spouse of deceased clergy Rev. Philip Holtsford of the Northern Illinois Conference, passed away on Friday, May 2, 2019.

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Health Fair 4

Lincoln UMC youth fill in the gap

Is your community in “the gap”? If so, a member of the Youth Health Service Corps wants to meet you, screen you, and advise you on how 5 + 1 = 20. This is not the new math, but an ongoing partnership between Lincoln United Methodist Church and the Youth Health Service Corps that provides five screenings plus one healthy lifestyle change to close the 20-year life expectancy gap of students, their families, and their communities. 

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Interpreting through reason, tradition, and experience

On March 30 and 31, about 1,000 people gathered in three different settings across our conference to talk about what happened at General Conference 2019 and what it means for our local churches. While I believe in a “traditional marriage” between a man and a woman, my own interpretation of Scripture, reason, tradition, and experience leads me to a more inclusive understanding of marriage; that of a same-sex relationship of two consenting adults who lead a monogamous, lifelong, loving, and committed relationship.

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Bishop's Pastoral Letter

As most of you may know, yesterday the Judicial Council, the nine-member top court of The United Methodist Church, released their rulings from February’s Special General Conference related to the Traditional Plan and disaffiliation legislation.

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Judicial Council OKs part of Traditional Plan, exit plan

The United Methodist Church’s top court has found that while some provisions of the newly adopted Traditional Plan remain unconstitutional, the rest of the plan is valid as church law. That was the Judicial Council’s ruling on a requested review of the Traditional Plan, which was approved during a special denomination-wide legislative session in February to strengthen enforcement of bans on “self-avowed practicing” gay clergy and same-sex weddings.

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Bishops call for prayers for Judicial Council

The Council of Bishops is inviting the people of The United Methodist Church to be in prayer for the Judicial Council, which is in session this week in Evanston. The Judicial Council will be discussing the constitutionality of matters related to the Special Session of the General Conference held in February.

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