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Bishop Monday Message - Journey Toward Easter

Posted: April 6 2020 at 08:08 AM
Author: Bishop Sally Dyck

As we begin this Holy Week going toward Easter, we acknowledge that it’s a journey we take that’s unlike any other year. We may have gone through Holy Week while experiencing our own time of difficulty before. But this one we do with others: not only our church community but the communities, nation, and world around us. We are taking a collective journey together toward Easter.

In the events of Holy Week, we see many of our own behaviors. We see the temptation to find a scapegoat for whatever is happening to us. We see it when the crowds called for Jesus to be crucified. Were these the same crowds who hailed him on Palm Sunday? Are we the same ones who can affirm our faith one moment and act in ugly ways toward other human beings in the next?

Throughout the centuries, we see the temptation to scapegoat our Jewish brothers and sisters. Horrible racist and violent acts have been committed against the Jewish Community over time, continuing into our own.

Today, we have scapegoated toward another community: the Asian American community. Many Asians in our communities are afraid to leave their homes, not just because of the coronavirus but because there have been reported incidents of blame toward Asians. Our own United Methodist members and clergy have experienced comments by people in their communities. Here in the city where we might live in smaller apartments, it’s important to get outside every day. Some Asians, including our own clergy, report not going out for days on end because of their fear of racism and violence.

We may not know the cure for the coronavirus yet. But there is a “cure” if you will for our racism. During this Holy Week, may we place our hateful, blaming spirits on the cross with Jesus so that we may truly experience the transformation of minds and hearts through the power of the God who so loves all the world and its people.

Must Jesus bear the cross alone and all the world go free?

No, there’s a cross for everyone, and there’s a cross for me.

See you in Easter!

~Bishop Sally Dyck

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If you wish to use a video of Bishop Dyck reading the gospel of John’s story of Easter (20:1-18), it is available on the NIC website at She would be happy to have a virtual appearance in your church’s worship!

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