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Winter Warm Jonathan Francisca 8i4rqi28doi Unsplash

Shelter at First UMC in Elgin warms bodies and hearts

Elgin’s unhoused people are being well taken care of by the community, including First United Methodist Church in Elgin. This winter, the fellowship hall of FUMCE is set up nightly for their guests. One Collective Elgin, a nonprofit that identifies community needs and organizes collaborative responses, oversees and facilitates the shelter.

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Ac 2024 Banner Covenant Quote

From Your Bishop:Yielding all things for what is to come

Wesley’s Covenant Service has been recommended for Methodists who gather on New Year’s Eve to worship, leave behind a year, and cross the threshold of a new one. More deeply, Methodists were to receive new life afresh. The core petition of the prayer at the heart of the service is, “I freely and heartily yield all things to thy pleasure and disposal.”

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Ac 2024 Banner Tile Homepage

Northern Illinois Conference prepares for its 185th session

Under the theme “Yield,” clergy and elected lay members will gather for Northern Illinois Conference’s 185th session, June 16-18, at the Renaissance Schaumburg Convention Center, 1551 N. Thoreau Dr., Schaumburg, IL.

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Group Global Missions Photo

Stronger Together: Connection creates transformation

I was born and raised in Methodism and constantly heard the words “connection” and “connectionalism.” I didn’t understand what it meant at first, but when I started to get involved in the life and mission of the church, I realized that we are a connectional church, a church that works together to support one another, share resources and carry out our mission to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world. This is a historic core value of our denomination, yet one of the hardest to define.

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Laity Convocation Logo Colors

Leading the Laity: No Room for distractions

And now we embark upon a brand-new year; one that we never saw before and did nothing to merit. But God! Indeed, but God; whose grace and mercy endureth forever. But despite these blessings, we enter 2024 with all of its challenges and uncertainty. We continue with our efforts to recover from the grief of disaffiliation and to plan for the yoking of conferences and assignment of a shared bishop. Add to that the General Conference delegates’ consideration of a proposal for regionalizing The United Methodist Church and the Council of Bishops’ recommendation for a special session of General Conference in 2026.

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Katherine Conrad Opkn0c7s9u Unsplash

Churches offer compassion by feeding bodies and souls

Throughout the conference, many churches are offering compassion. This story is a snippet of a small portion of churches that are working to feed others' bodies and souls.

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