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Work Needed to Fulfill Our Commitment

Posted: July 29 2024 at 04:03 PM
Author: Rev. Seamus Enright, past NIC CCFA member

Repair The Harm To Children Logo

I remember how when I first heard that a group of United Methodists had come together to work on how the church could support those who had suffered abuse in the Boy Scouts, I was so grateful. I was glad to be a part of a church that wasn’t waiting but recognized our calling and obligation to pursue healing in the face of a breach of trust. 

Recognizing that abuse imposes not just emotional, psychic, and social costs, but real material costs on those who endure it, the United Methodist Church collectively committed 30 million dollars to caring for survivors, meeting their needs, and helping them toward healing and wholeness.  

The Northern Illinois Conference (NIC) campaign was launched called “Repair the Harm to Children,” based on Isaiah 58:10-14. This stems from an agreement that centers the survivors, with concrete steps for preventing future harm and providing for their care. When we launched in 2023, we understood that the NIC share was $754,348. We asked for pledges from every congregation, whether you chartered or hosted a Boy Scout Troop or not, for your commitment to repairing harm. The suggestion for congregations was 1% of the annual church budget, payable over three years. 

Repair The Harm Comittment Chart

In my June update to the Annual Conference, I reported that at the beginning of 2024, we discovered that our share, corrected to $742,429, was due “now.” We can rejoice that the United Methodist Church has fully funded its financial commitment to the survivors even as we continue to live into our work of listening, healing, and protecting. 

Convinced that our Conference would meet this need, funds were advanced to cover our commitment. There is no interest, but the advanced funds MUST be repaid. As of June 15, 2024, we have pledges and receipts which, confident of your faithfulness, would bring us to $301,987.44, leaving $440,441.56 to raise.  

We have pledges from fewer than one-seventh of our churches, but we are over two-sevenths of the way to our goal.

We can do this.  

Beloved, I ask again for your commitment: 

First, remember the children and pray.
Consider, “What would you give to help the wounded heal?” 
Then, commit. Make your pledge.

If you can’t pledge or give right now, commit now to making sure your congregation has pledged, has given, or will have the conversation about being part of repairing this harm.

Commit now, for the sake of children, past, present, and future, to the conversation of how much and how soon can we give? If you’re able to meet your pledge early, please do so here

Finally, commit to ensuring that your church follows the best practices to keep children and other vulnerable community members safe. If you’re not sure where to start, visit the Safe Sanctuaries page here.

May God bless your faithfulness. 

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