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Churches offer compassion by feeding bodies and souls

Throughout the conference, many churches are offering compassion. This story is a snippet of a small portion of churches that are working to feed others' bodies and souls.

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Plarn projects weave communities and ministry

A new mission project from Midwest Mission is being woven across Northern Illinois. Church groups are turning clean plastic shopping bags into sleeping mats. The mats are distributed to organizations around the world that serve people who lack homes, who have been displaced by disaster, or who need temporary sleeping arrangements—anyone who needs a clean, dry barrier between them and the ground.

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Small-town or rural ministries may apply for Keagy grants

Is your church in a small town or rural area (that is, not in an urban or suburban location)? Have you been dreaming of a creative ministry opportunity in your community, but need a little financial help?  The Northern Illinois Conference offers two grants that are funded by a bequest from Martin Keagy, who had a big heart for small-town and rural churches.

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Conference UM Men feed neighbors through ‘potato drop’

United Methodist Men from Grace United Methodist Church (Rockford), the UMC of New Lenox, and the Prairie North District partnered with Society of St. Andrew this fall to give away fresh produce and other basics to their neighbors.

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Rev. Dr. Hwa-Young Chong Installed

On Sunday, September 24, laity and clergy joined in celebration at the Installation of Prairie North District Superintendent Hwa-Young Chong at Grace UMC in Rockford. The moving service incorporated many voices from around the district and parts of DS Chong's Korean Heritage.

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Vacation Bible Schools taking place across the conference

Many churches have been holding Vacation Bible School and Day Camps through out the summer. We enjoy seeing churches getting back together - all the different themes, kids and fun being had.

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