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Special Session Reflections

Aurora District Superintendent Rev. Jeffry Bross and his 81-year-old father, Rev. Billy Bross, a retired pastor from the Wisconsin Annual Conference, are observing the historic Special Session of General Conference in St. Louis.

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Pensions, Traditional Plan top priority votes

Petitions meant to address pensions and the Traditional Plan topped the list of priorities for what General Conference delegates will work on in their legislative committee.

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United Methodists urged to unite as 2019 General Conference convenes

Council of Bishops President Bishop Kenneth H. Carter today called on United Methodists to make every effort to maintain unity for the sake of God’s mission as the denomination’s top legislative body began its work in St. Louis, Missouri. 

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Six hours of prayer begin GC2019

Delegates, Bishops, and observers spent the first day of the Special Session of the General Conference centered in deep prayer for the church before beginning the hard work of reviewing church policy regarding homosexuality.

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General/Jurisdicational Delegate Elections

At the 2019 Annual Conference, elections for clergy and lay delegates will be held for the 2020 General and Jurisdictional Conferences. Lay members to Annual Conference interested in being nominated need to fill out an online form.

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College of Bishops: 'The mission continues'

The North Central Jurisdiction College of Bishops met January 22-24, 2019 and have issued this joint statement as we approach the Special General Conference 2019.

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