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Back Together Connecting in Christ

After two years of meeting virtually, nearly 700 clergy, lay members and guests came back together in person for the 183rd Northern Illinois Annual Conference held June 8 - 10 at the Renaissance Schaumburg Convention Center.

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Churches increase apportionment giving amid pandemic

The Northern Illinois Conference is thankful to its many churches for their faithful apportionment giving and celebrates those who paid in full, despite challenging times. In 2021, 198 churches paid 100% of their calculated apportionments compared to 159 in 2020. Forty churches paid over 100% and nearly 50 went the second mile as Mission Links churches. The Conference also celebrates the 42 churches that have consistently paid 100% for ten years. 

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Apportionment receipts exceed expectations

Despite challenging times and strain on church finances because of the ongoing pandemic, apportionment largess for 2021 far exceeded expectations and will allow the Conference to pay 100 percent General Church apportionments for the first time in nearly a decade.

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The United Methodist Higher Education Foundation (UMHEF) is accepting scholarship applications for the 2022-2023 academic year between January 1 – March 1, 2022.

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Annual Conference meets for fall session

In a continuation of the 182nd Northern Illinois Annual Conference with the theme "Jesus Makes a Way," more than 600 members gathered for a half-day fall session held virtually through Zoom on October 2 to vote on the budget, a nominations slate, Board of Pension proposals and other business. 

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A Wesleyan take on personal finance

Saving Grace is a six-session course mainly intended for small groups, with extra content for clergy, who have special circumstances in such areas as housing and taxes. Participants use a workbook (the primary cost), and there’s a leader’s guide, too.

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