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Mortar Board Education

Northern Illinois United Methodists Honored by UM Schools

Rev. Dr. Irene Taylor and Nadia Kanhai from the Northern Illinois Conference have been recognized as outstanding alumnae at two United Methodist higher education institutions this year. Rev. Dr. Taylor (retired elder) is one of Garrett-Evangelical Theological Seminary’s 2023 Distinguished Alums. Nadia Kanhai, an active layperson with extensive leadership in the conference and the community, been added to North Central College’s Wall of Witness. 

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Dr. Nanabray Installed

On Sunday, October 8, laity and clergy cheerfully joined in celebration at the Installation of Lake South District Superintendent, Dr. Audrea, at Faith UMC in Orland Park. The powerful service incorporated many voices and cultures from around the district.

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Rev. Dr. Hwa-Young Chong Installed

On Sunday, September 24, laity and clergy joined in celebration at the Installation of Prairie North District Superintendent Hwa-Young Chong at Grace UMC in Rockford. The moving service incorporated many voices from around the district and parts of DS Chong's Korean Heritage.

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Oct 23 Dyk Words

DYK: Attend your church conference—you are a link in the connection

Church conferences focus on electing leaders, setting the pastor’s salary, approving the church’s budget (if available), recommending candidates for ministry, and approving lay speakers. The event also includes a time to review and affirm the congregation’s plans for ministry and mission and learning about the work of the conference and the wider United Methodist Church.These meetings are part of the fabric of our connectional nature. Through the connectional system, we are involved in God’s mission together. Together, we are able to do more than if we remained alone.

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Leading the Laity: We can face change because our God is constant

The world is ever-changing and the church is ever-evolving. Change is like the storms of life: You are either in one, about to enter one, or coming out of one. The Greek philosopher Heraclitus said, “Change is the only constant in life.” The world is always changing and so are its people. As a result, we find ourselves constantly adapting to it. It has been said, “If you are not changing, then you are dying.”

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Ministry Milestones Celebrated

Lay and clergy who have completed steps toward confirmation of their ministry are celebrated every year at Annual Conference. Here's a list of lay and clergy who were recognized at 2023 Annual Conference.

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