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Dr. Nanabray Installed

Posted: October 11 2023 at 01:00 AM
Author: Lisa Smith, NIC Communications Specialist

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On Sunday, October 8, laity and clergy cheerfully joined in celebration at the Installation of Lake South District Superintendent Dr. Audrea Nanabray, at Faith UMC in Orland Park.

Dr. Audrea Nanabray was appointed by Bishop Dan Schwerin, to the Lake South district as the District Superintendent, effective July 1, 2023. The installation service is the formal service and recognition of DS Nanabray's ministry.

Presentation Children

The children who presented the Signs of District Superintendency

The Presentation of the Signs of District Superintendency reminded all present of the roles of the position and how they connect us all.  The items were presented by children from around the district, some speaking in their native languages. They presented the following a bible Bible (Rael Lee, 5, Korean & English), a pitcher of water  (Bryan Jackson, 6, Spanish & English), the bread and cup (Gracie Langdon, 7), a Hymnal (Innes Miller, 10, Bassa (Liberian, West Africa) & English), a towel and basin (Matthew Mitchell, 12), a stole (Kristian Hall, 13), a Book of Discipline (Caleb Gogoya, 14, French (Benin, West Africa) & English),  and a globe (Emma Quansah, 16, Fante (Ghana, West Africa) & English).

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Former DS Conway and DS Nanabray hug after the passing of the baton

Many members of DS Nanabray's extended family were in attendance and participated in the service helping to make the event memorable. Former Lake South DS Jacques Conway participated in a passing of the baton with current DS Nanabray. Bishop Dan Schwerin provided a message on grace, reminding all present of the imporance that grace plays in our faith lives.

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South Suburban Korean Namboo UMC Choir

Many throughout the district participated in the service providing prayers, hymns, anthems, messages, food and more. Aaron Franklin, co-founder of MuzicNet, and Minister Tony Fisher provided  for the majority of the service. The award winning, Willie B. Clay Inspirational Choir from Gorham UMC sung "The Lord's Prayer".  "Made a Way" was sung by The Gathing Family and Faith UMC Chicago Choir. The South Suburban Korean Namboo UMC Choir performed ”By Gentle Power”. The offering song  "Con Que Pagaremos (With What Will We Pay)”  was furnished by Rev. Xiomara Aragon, of Nuevo Aanecer UMC in Des Plaines. Jiggy Bars from Lincoln UMC in Chicago played "Outro" as the service ended.

An offering  of over $1200 collected to support the Repair the Harm campaign. The Repair the Harm campaign was chosen by DS Nanabray because of the help it provides the survivors.

After the service, all were welcomed to fellowship with refreshments provided by the United Women in Faith.

Thank you to the Installation Service Participants

(listed in order of appearance)

  • Rev. Dr. Theodora Binion (Assistant Pastor, Faith UMC, Chicago) 
  • Aaron Franklin  (Co-Founder, MuzicNet School of Music)
  • Rev. Dr. Jacques A. Conway (Host Pastor, Faith UMC, Orland Park)
  • Rev. Lino Aragon (Pastor, Nuevo Amanecer UMC, Des Plaines)
  • Minister Tony Fisher, Musicians
  • Karen Boesche  (First UMC, Des Plaines)
  • Renee Edmondson (First UMC, Des Plaines)
  • Matthew Edmondson (First UMC, Des Plaines)
  • First UMC, Des Plaines Choir
  • Bishop Dan Schwerin
  • The Gathing Family
  • Faith UMC Chicago Choir
  • Eugene Williams (NIC Co-Lay Leader)
  • South Suburban Korean Namboo UMC Choir
  • Younglim Na, Musician
  • Rev. Xiomara Aragon (Pastor Nuevo Aanecer UMC, Des Plaines)
  • Rael Lee (5, Hyde Park Korean UMC)
  • Bryan Jackson (6, Lincoln UMC Chicago)
  • Gracie Langdon (7, Morgan Park UMC Chicago)
  • Innes Miller (10, Kelly Woodlawn UMC)
  • Matthew Mitchell (12, New Gresham UMC)
  • Kristian Hall (13, Hartzell Memorial UMC Chicago)
  • Caleb Gogoya (14, Faith UMC Dolton)
  • Emma Quansah (16, Hartzell Memorial UMC Chicago)
  • Jiggy Bars (Lincoln UMC, Chicago)           

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