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Virtual SummerMission “Trip” teaches youth group to love thy neighbor

When their annual summer mission trip had to be cancelled due to COVID-19, Youth Pastor Jeremiah Lee and the youth group at Community UMC in Naperville were left searching for a way to still make an impact. Enter Kids Above All and their new virtual mission experience.

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Jumpstart Youth Ministry - November Resources

Last month, the discipleship task force introduced the first pair of videos for a six month series about growing and strengthening discipleship ministries with a particular focus on youth. Our theme for October was “Just Show Up!” as the first step in working, leading, and learning from young people. This month, our theme is “THE CHURCH OF TODAY."

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Youth Ministry Jumpstart Plan

For most people, the “new year” begins in January. But for anyone who works with children and youth, we often think of our “new year” beginning in the fall, when the school year starts up and we begin our student ministry programs anew.

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Campus Ministries Stay Connected Despite Pandemic

In March 2020, college students left campus for spring break under the cloud of the COVID-19 pandemic. As the infection spread, most students were told to retrieve their belongings from their dorms and return home. 

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ChildServ name change puts Kids Above All

After 34 years as ChildServ, the Chicago-based child welfare agency officially announced that it has changed its name and visual identity to Kids Above All. The transition, which took effect on June 15, 2020, marked the fifth time in history that the agency has rebranded and marked the culmination of a two-year process to examine how best the organization can expand its impact in and around Chicago. With this transition, the agency retains its 126-year mission to protect, heal and educate children and families so they can build better lives.

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Raising Our Voices – UVC Annual Awards Ceremony

United Voices for Children (UVC) has announced the recipients of its 2020 annual awards for outstanding advocacy and service for children and youth throughout Northern Illinois. 

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