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Jumpstart Ministry March Resources

Six months ago, the Discipleship Taskforce introduced the first pair of videos about growing and strengthening discipleship ministries with a particular focus on youth. This month’s video marks the last of that series and offers some good advice for going forward, based on experience that many of us gained this past year.

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Youth volunteers enjoy winter fun break

On February 20, Pastor Roger Bronkema and families from Warren and Elizabeth UMC traveled to the Lake Carroll snow tubing hill in Lanark, Ill., for a day of fun. The trip was a “thank you” to the youth who helped Bronkema in ministry throughout 2020. Amid bright sunshine and crisp blue skies, about 25 youth and adults grabbed inner tubes and let gravity speed them along down the hill. 

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DYK - Safe Sanctuaries

During the first quarter of 2021, the Northern Illinois Conference Insurance Board, under the leadership of our Director of Risk Management and Ministry Protection Dwayne Jackson has undertaken the mission of ensuring that every church in the Northern Illinois Conference has a process of screening and training for church volunteers who work with children, youth, and vulnerable adults. Thank you to all those churches who have filled out the survey and take this responsibility seriously.

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Jumpstart Youth Ministry February Resources

Our theme for February, “Know Your Story/Own Your Story”, continues that encouragement for youth workers. It may sound cliché, but it is true: be yourself—know who you are and how you got here, and be open and willing to share that.

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Jumpstart January Resources

In the fall of 2020, the NIC Discipleship Taskforce introduced the first pair of videos for a six month series about growing and strengthening discipleship ministries with a particular focus on youth. We’re half-way through our series, and begin 2021 with this piece of encouragement: Don’t Fear the Questions. 

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Jumpstart Youth Ministry: December Resources

The Discipleship Task Force's Jumpstart Ministry's theme for December, as we close out the year, is a reminder that despite all the difficulties and stress 2020 has brought, the efforts you put in do matter. 

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