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Jumpstart Ministry March Resources

Posted: March 15 2021 at 02:25 PM

Six months ago, the Discipleship Taskforce introduced the first pair of videos about growing and strengthening discipleship ministries with a particular focus on youth. This month’s video marks the last of that series and offers some good advice for going forward, based on experience that many of us gained this past year.

March marks the one-year anniversary of the pandemic when our churches and church activities were put on pause, and when many of us had to quickly learn how to “do church” differently from how we had done it in the past, including youth ministry. It was difficult—it’s still difficult—and yet despite the isolation many of us found ourselves in, there was also an effort for strengthening our connections. And that’s the theme for this final month: knowing that you’re “Not Alone, Even When You Are Alone”.


Watch and download Deacon Sharon Rice's video 

For more resources, click here.

News & Announcements

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