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Returning to church

The COVID-19 pandemic took no vacation this summer and continued to bring more uncertainties and changes for United Methodist congregations and pastors across the Northern Illinois Conference. As the state of Illinois entered the Revitalization Phase 4 of the Restore Illinois Plan in June, church leaders took a closer look at their own plans to safely return to their buildings and in-person services.

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Churches connect through tithing

In 2019, the congregation at Irving Park United Methodist Church in Chicago made one of their most difficult decisions in the church’s more than 130-year history. Facing mounting repairs, costly renovations, and dwindling membership, the congregation sold their building on Keeler Avenue and held their final worship in the space last November.

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Rockford young adult commissioned as Global Fellow to help serve the homeless

Palm, a lifelong member of Christ UMC in Rockford, remembered her pastor Rev. Jane Eesley sharing stories of her personal experience in the United Methodist General Board of Global Missions (GBGM) former US-2 mission intern program serving the Palestinian-Christian community in Jerusalem. So Palm started applying for the international track through GBGM, as a Global Missions Fellow. But due to the pandemic, GBGM wasn’t sending anyone abroad. 

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Bishop's Column: Following the Rule of Christ

We’ve all been social distancing now for at least five and a half months and counting. COVID-19 has limited our social circles (or should have), it's cut short our opportunities for fun and recreation, and has dashed many of the plans we've had for ourselves. The pandemic has raged around the world and has become politicized in our country (to the detriment of us all).

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Campus Ministries Stay Connected Despite Pandemic

In March 2020, college students left campus for spring break under the cloud of the COVID-19 pandemic. As the infection spread, most students were told to retrieve their belongings from their dorms and return home. 

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Sympathy Notice: Rev. John F. Smith

Rev. John F. Smith, retired clergy member of the Northern Illinois Conference, passed away on Wednesday, August 5, 2020, at age 90. During his ministry in the Northern Illinois Conference, he served at Symerton, Pierce, Dalton City, Casner, United Rock Run Parish, East Jordan, Sterling: Trinity, South Elgin: Community, and Sugar Grove.

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