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Apportionment Logo

Apportionments Unite Us and Strengthen Our Ministries

Being United Methodist means being connectional, with local churches working together through apportionments to support the Northern Illinois Conference and the global UMC. Apportionments fund critical ministries, including leadership development, church revitalization, and global mission efforts, strengthening local and global ministries. Churches paying 100% of their apportionments help ensure vibrant congregations, new disciples, and opportunities to transform the world through shared mission and generosity.

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Pastors Serving Cross-Cultural or Cross-Racial Appointments Build Resilience

Sixty Northern Illinois Conference pastors in cross-cultural and cross-racial appointments gathered for a retreat to address navigating trauma, building resilience, and fostering hope in ministry. Hosted by the episcopal and Connectional Ministries offices, the event provided a safe space for dialogue, community-building, and equipping clergy to lead through challenges like racism and social tensions. With tools, strategies, and renewed purpose, pastors left committed to fostering resilience and being beacons of hope in their congregations.

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Aschermittwoch Ash Cross Sign Of The Cross Cross 61bd59deef80448e225a74e5d8474a2a Cmyk

Reimagining Church: Double Ashing, Double Grace

Rev. Coon encountered a man with a big smile who, despite already bearing an ash cross, asked to be “double ashed.” This moment highlighted the vulnerability and yearning for grace we all share, reminding us of our humanity and God’s presence.

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Women Brainstorm Discuss Linkedin Sales Solutions Ijkioe 2ff4 Unsplash Cmyk

Let’s Build a Brainbox

Over the past year, clergy in the Northern Illinois Conference have discussed challenges like clergy burnout and struggling “zombie” churches that drain resources and energy. Inspired by the concept of a “brainbox” as a hub for wisdom and innovation, the conversation has shifted toward building solutions that support clergy and congregations.

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Laity Convocation Logo 2025

Leading the Laity: Renew Hope, Strengthen Faith

The Northern Illinois Conference laity invite you to embrace 2025 with renewed hope and faith in Jesus Christ, whose grace is sufficient for all challenges. Highlighting the theme “A Renewed Hope—Episode MMXXV: May God’s Grace Be with You,” Laity Convocation will take place on Feb. 8 at New Lenox UMC, incorporating a creative Star Wars perspective of good versus evil.

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Marengo Collection

Marengo UMC Joyfully Supports Community Organizations

Marengo United Methodist Church engages in monthly mission collections, supporting local organizations by gathering specific, affordable items like clothing, school supplies, and food. These efforts, inspired by generosity and community need, fill large totes each month, demonstrating the joy of giving and embodying Christ’s call to serve.

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