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Justice Camp Logo 2021

Justice Camp Coming this Summer

The Northern Illinois Conference Anti-Racism Task Force Justice Generation is hosting Justice Camp for high school students around the United States. Justice Generation is partnering with United Methodist Volunteers in Mission (UMVIM) offices across the U.S. to host Justice Camp, a virtual tour starting in Chicago at the DuSable Museum and traveling to Montgomery, AL and Tulsa, OK.

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Annual Conference theme set

Plans are coming together for the 182nd Northern Illinois Annual Conference which will be held virtually July 16-17 through a Zoom webinar. The theme is "Jesus Makes a Way." 

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Thank you from the Northern Illinois Food Bank

In spring 2020, the United Methodist Foundation of the Northern Illinois Conference challenged congregations to raise funds to support the three Food Banks serving their conference. The match began as a $50,000 challenge, but because of generous support was increased to $75,000. In total gifts of more than $150,000 were made to support feeding neighbors. 

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Bishops' Statement on Violence against Asian Americans

NIC Interim Bishop John Hopkins has signed a joint statement with the Episcopal Diocese of Chicago and the Metropolitan Chicago Synod, Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, condemning the shootings in metropolitan Atlanta on March 16 that left eight people dead and one injured. They recognize these shootings are the product of a culture of violence, misogyny, and hatred against Asian American people—particularly Asian women—that has intensified over the last year.

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Discipleship Task Force Logo Tree Only

Intentional Discipleship Trainers Available

Intentional Discipleship Systems (IDS) are valuable in carrying out our mission as members of the United Methodist Church. Trainers in each district are standing by, ready to help.

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Jumpstart Ministry March Resources

Six months ago, the Discipleship Taskforce introduced the first pair of videos about growing and strengthening discipleship ministries with a particular focus on youth. This month’s video marks the last of that series and offers some good advice for going forward, based on experience that many of us gained this past year.

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