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NIC General/Jurisdictional Update

Since the election of the delegation team in 2019, Northern Illinois Conference delegates have been meeting regularly and diligently, preparing for the upcoming General and Jurisdictional Conferences. Despite changing situations, due to the cancelations or postponements, of General and Jurisdictional Conferences, or considerations for virtual gatherings, the NIC delegation team remained resilient and adaptive.

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Bishops agree on narrative for the continuing United Methodist Church

The Council of Bishops ended its Fall meeting on Friday having spent time in worship, plenary and covenant groups as they seek God’s guidance to lead The United Methodist Church.

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Hopkins John L

Hopkins Remains NIC Interim Bishop in 2022

At the close of their fall meeting, the United Methodist Council of Bishops approved the extension of retired Bishop John L. Hopkins as Northern Illinois Conference Interim Bishop past December 31, 2021. 

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Tending To The Harvest Logo Alt W Scripture

Bishop Hopkins invites you to Tending to the Harvest weekend

Our Discipleship Task Force shared a vision this year of prayer, development of discipleship-making systems, strengthening our youth, and undergirding the annual conference in worship. An all-annual conference Discipleship Weekend is scheduled for November 13 and 14.

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United Methodist Bishops meet to discuss church future, elect new officers

Facing the challenges of the COVID-19 epidemic, the Council of Bishops of The United Methodist Church will meet November 2-5 to discuss the future of the continuing United Methodist Church, elect new officers and address other timely topics.  

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United Voices for Children Year in Review

Going into 2021, United Voices for Children (UVC) was determined to continue advocating for at-risk Illinois children and their families and raising awareness of its affiliated agencies Kids Above All, MYSI, Inc., and Rosecrance. The events of 2020 had exposed systemic issues that placed vulnerable populations at risk; for children and families in the crosshairs of poverty, violence, and inequality, the pandemic was a disaster. 

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