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Bishop Schwerin's Reflections on General Conference 2024

Bishop Dan Schwerin offers some reflections after listening to how news of The United Methodist General Conference is being received in Northern Illinois.

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General Conference 2020 (2024) Updates

The UMC General Conference (postponed from 2020) came to order on the morning of April 23. Follow daily reports focusing on topics of interest to Northern Illinois Conference readers.

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Nic At Gc 1 Smaller

Northern Illinois United Methodists Working and Helping at General Conference

General Conference takes thousands of people to help the event run smoothly and do its work. United Methodists from across Northern Illinois participated in General Conference 2020 in many different ways. 

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Rev. Christian Coon is Named Director of Congregational Development

Bishop Dan Schwerin has appointed Rev. Christian Coon as Northern Illinois Conference Director of Congregational Development, effective July 1. Rev. Coon will follow Rev. Martin Lee, who retires on July 1.

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Nic At Celebration

40-year ban on gay clergy struck down

Without debate, General Conference removed the UMC’s ban on the ordination of clergy who are “self-avowed practicing homosexuals” —a prohibition that dates to 1984.

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Group At Lincoln Statute Getting Ready To March

NIC’s Lobby Day uses lessons of the past to change the present

Early in the morning of 18 April 2024, 22 members of the Northern Illinois Conference Anti-Racism Task Force, many of whom had participated in last year’s Civil Rights Pilgrimage, boarded a bus or piled into cars to descend on Springfield to speak to state legislators about issues of racial injustice that concern us—with a focus on environmental justice, the school to prison pipeline, and immigration.

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