DYK – “Equip” is Our Watch Word
In 2015 the Northern Illinois Conference went through a major organizational review including the use of a judicatory tool called “Landscape.” The Landscape assessment told us that a key desire of pastors and laity is to be (1) equipped to reach new members using new strategies, (2) equipped to help members grow as disciples and to (3) equipped for more effective community outreach. This focus has become part of our conference priorities.
Read MoreSympathy Notice: Helen Grimes
Mrs. Helen Grimes, spouse of deceased clergy member Rev. Paul W Grimes of the Northern Illinois Conference passed away on Thursday, May 4, 2017.
Read MoreNIC Board of Ordained Ministry responds to Judicial Council Ruling
The NIC Board of Ordained Ministry delivered its report to the annual clergy session held May 23, 2017.
Read MoreHilltop Ministry Center sold to Easterseals
Bill and Joyce Russ, long-time faithful members of Centennial UMC in Rockford, Ill., and life-long farmers on the north side of the city, made a gift of land in 2004 to the Northern Illinois Conference (NIC) with the dream that the land, which brought forth a harvest of grain, would bring forth a harvest of souls for the glory of God.
Read MoreSympathy Notice: Maralyn Zeman
Mrs. Maralyn Zeman, spouse of deceased clergy member Rev. Paul Zeman, Sr., of the Northern Illinois Conference, passed away on Monday, May 1, 2017.
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