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Safe Gatherings training available online

Safe Gatherings is an online training program that screens and educates staff and volunteers to help prevent abuse of children, youth, and vulnerable adults in group settings.

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Bishop pastoral statement on racism and violence

On August 12 a national tragedy occurred (again) when supremacist and neo-Nazi groups went to Charlottesville, VA and gave rise to violence, destruction, and death. We are grieving for the individuals involved but even more so, what these acts of racism and violence say about us as a people.

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Summer Reading

Each active clergy serving local churches should have received a copy of the book Unity of the Church and Human Sexuality put together by the General Board of Higher Education at either the clergy session or annual conference.

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NIC churches receive Discipleship One Matters Awards

For the first time, six churches in the NIC received the One Matters Award presented by the Rev. Dr. Bener Agtarap, Path One Executive Director, at the 2017 Annual Conference. Discipleship Ministries created the award in 2015 to lift up churches who have in recent years moved from zero baptisms and zero professions of faith into positive numbers and they redirected their focus toward intentional discipleship.

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Did you know? – Leaning into Change

The 2016-2017 Annual Conference year was a time of innovation. This June, the annual conference approved implementation of a new model for coordination at the conference and district levels continuing the trajectory of innovation.

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Professional Certification Enhances Ministry

In explaining her professional certification in Spiritual Formation, Catherine Inserra said it pushed her “to explore and question my faith in order to provide me with a pathway for life-long spiritual growth as a lay woman in ministry.”

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