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Helping homeless with a meal and a message

Members of the United Methodist Rural Advocates (UMRA) distribute cards made by children in churches across the connection along with meal vouchers to the Sisters of the Road Cafe, a local non-profit which is working to end poverty and homelessness by providing nourishing meals in a safe, dignified space around Portland, OR during General Conference.

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Fairdale: One year later – hope and new beginnings

The sounds of a hammer nailing new siding on a home, children playing in a brand new, brightly colored park and cheers for first responders filled the air in Fairdale on a sunny Saturday in April. They were sounds of new beginnings and hope at a remembrance and celebration one year after a deadly EF-4 tornado decimated the small, unincorporated DeKalb County community on April 9, 2015.

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An Opportunity for Practical Faith

During the 2015 summer, nearly 500 children enrolled at United Methodist Church Safe Havens across the city of Chicago. Safe Haven is a partnership with Chicago Public Schools and the faith-based community, primarily churches to provide safe spaces, healthy food and learning opportunities for school-aged children.

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Learning Spanish as church hospitality

Nearly 545 students participated in 48 classes held in 42 churches across the Northern Illinois Conference (NIC) in the last two years to learn some Spanish and explore ¿Quién es mi vecino? (Who is my neighbor?).

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