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What’s your call story?

One year when I was a district superintendent in East Ohio, I asked all of my churches to have a clergyperson and a layperson talk about their call. Many congregations had never heard their pastor’s call story before that church conference. The many ways that God works in and through our lives to call us into full-time Christian service is amazing! That year the church conferences were incredibly inspiring for us all!

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DYK – Boundaries have value

Every summer, newly appointed and assigned pastors in the Northern Illinois Conference receive Boundary and Ethics training. Every four years all those under appointment or assigned are required to take a “refresher course” in professional ethics and boundaries. This fall, all our appointed and assigned clergy will participate in mandatory boundary and ethics training.

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New camp takes youth outside their element

More than 90 Chicago area youth from the city and suburbs ventured more than a hundred miles from home this past August to experience a three-day overnight camp and many firsts.

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Sympathy Notice: Virginia Coats

Mrs. Virginia Coats spouse of Rev. Russell Coats of the Northern Illinois Conference passed away on Monday, September 11, 2017. 

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Bishop names Annual Conference Shepherding Team Co-Chairs

Following the approval of the restructuring plan at the 2017 Annual Conference, the first steps are being made to organize and create an Annual Conference Shepherding Team (ACST). Bishop Sally Dyck named lay representative Liz Gracie and clergy representative Rev. Myron McCoy as co-chairs. The rest of the 20-member team is expected to be in place by October 1.

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Bishop names Annual Conference Shepherding Team Co-Chairs

After the approval of the restructuring plan at the 2017 Annual Conference, the first steps are being made to organize and create an Annual Conference Shepherding Team (ACST). Bishop Sally Dyck named lay representative Liz Gracie and clergy representative Rev. Myron McCoy as cochairs. The rest of the 20-member team is expected to be in place by October 1.

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