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Bishop Crest Color

Bishops review Commission on a Way Forward sketches

In early November 2017, the Council of Bishops met and received the first report from the Commission on a Way Forward. The Commission’s mandate is to present a recommendation to the Council of Bishops at their May 2018 meeting to forward on to the Special General Conference 2019 (GC19).

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Easter Lillies

Sympathy Notice: Doris Rickleff

Mrs. Doris Rickleff spouse of clergy member Rev. Frederick L. Rickleff of the Northern Illinois Conference passed away on Monday, November 13, 2017. During Rev. Rickleff ministry with Northern Illinois Conference, he served at Orangeville Afolkey: Bethel, Elmhurst: Faith, Church Federation of Chicago, Pearl City: United Parish, and Schaumburg: Our Redeemer.

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Clergy Leadership Scholarship

Seminary students receive excellence in clergy leadership scholarships

Five seminary students from the NIC were selected as recipients of the Excellence in Clergy Leadership Scholarship by the Board of Ordained Ministry. They were awarded a total of $42,500.

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Strength for Service helps military and first responders face challenges

In the course of their dedicated service, our military and first responders—armed services, law enforcement, firefighters, paramedics, and others—face challenges each day that few of us will ever know. Both those in the military and first responders find inspiration in a pocket-size book of daily devotions— Strength for Service to God and Country and Strength for Service to God and Community—published by Strength for Service, Inc. A third volume, Service to God and Community, is specifically for Boy Scouts of all ages.

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#Giving Tuesday

The season of giving is nearly upon us and that means it’s almost time for #GivingTuesday. On Nov. 28, you will have the opportunity to once again “Connect Your Passion with God’s Mission” to address the needs in the world today by giving to more than 300 UM missionaries and 600 UM-related projects of your choice.

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