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Bishop's Column - A Few Good Reads

During the month of December, I took a renewal leave. For the first few days, I energetically cleaned every closet, cupboard, drawer, shelf, and closet in our condo. I took loads of books, clothes and other articles to the local Goodwill store. It was quite gratifying! Then I decided to read. Read more of the Bishop's February Column...

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DYK - The UMC speaks to sexual harassment

Clergy training has evolved. While always including a list of dos and don’ts, we now understand that balance in our personal and professional lives, good habits of self-care and healthy relationships all factor into good judgment on the part of a pastor. Just a week after our most recent training concluded, the conversation about sexual ethics and harassment became a national focus. Tragically, we have been reminded that abuse of power and authority is not only a problem for the church but for the whole of our society.

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Puerto Rico invites volunteers for Hurricane Relief

Volunteers may now apply to help with the United Methodist Committee on Relief’s (UMCOR’s) efforts to support its partner, the Methodist Church of Puerto Rico (MCPR), as they work to rebuild after Hurricane Maria and Irma. UMCOR has received a formal invitation from Bishop Hector Ortiz of MCPR requesting volunteers to support reconstruction.

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Black History Month

February is Black History Month

February is Black History month and celebrates the historical contibutions of African Americans to the worship life, mission and ministry of the church.

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Why do local church statistics matter?

Apart from a church’s internal check-in, statistics provide information about the big picture and help researchers see trends, which in turn aid church leaders in making decisions. Find out why it's important to provide this important data.

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072815 Ktrk Baytown Shooting 01

Armed Intruder Readiness

The West Ohio Conference and Bishop Gregory V. Palmer put together this informative video with the Columbus, Ohio Police Chief Kimberley Jacobs sharing the top 5 dos and don'ts to assist in confronting and preventing active threats to faith congregations. Good advice for all our churches.

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