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DYK - Won't you be my neighbor?

It’s exciting to see The United Methodist Church playing a key role in providing tools to engage this story. Fred Rogers was an ordained Presbyterian Minister. He focused much of his ministry on the PBS television show Mr. Rogers’ Neighborhood.

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Grants help small town/rural churches serve their communities

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Episcopal Nominations

July 2020, your delegation of the Northern Illinois Conference will attend the North Central Jurisdictional Conference in Ft. Wayne, Indiana, July 15-18, where among many other actions, we will elect new Bishops for our Jurisdiction. While the times are uncertain as is the number of Bishops to be elected, we prepare in anticipation. 

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Global Ministries Commissions New Earthkeepers

Global Ministries commissioned 67 new EarthKeepers from 23 conferences, including 10 from Northern Illinois, in an online service on November 19, 2019. The service will affirm the EarthKeepers in their call to the ministry of creation care and will bless their work in their communities.

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Annual Conference approves reduced 2020 budget

Approximately 550 clergy and lay members gathered Nov. 16 in the gymnasium at Kishwaukee College for the Annual Conference Special Session to vote on a budget, apportionment formula changes, and to hear from the Exploration Team. After a presentation from the Conference Council on Finance and Administration (CCFA), the Annual Conference passed a $4,574,255 budget for 2020, down 5% from 2019.

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Bishop Dyck: Inclusion is the heart of this conference

As we gather for this special annual conference session, I want to take the opportunity to express a few thoughts about where we are as the UMC in light of the Traditional Plan which is to go into effect January 1, 2020. To say that many clergy—LBGTQ and straight as well as concerned and allied laity—are very anxious is to understate the situation. 

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