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Mission Trip

Many churches and youth are participating in Mission Trips this summer

Many churches are starting up Mission Trips after a pause or change due COVID. It is great to see everyone being the hands and feet of Christ in our word.

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Historic Display

Display highlights the history of our conference

During the Laity Convocation 2023, one of the host churches, Disciples United Methodist Church (DUMC) in Mt. Morris, created a display about the rich history of the Rock River Conference that then became our Northern Illinois Conference. The church’s history team hoped to share with guests, many of whom had never been in Mt. Morris, how our early Methodist settlers, ministers, and circuit riders followed a path of discipleship as they moved west from Maryland, Ohio, and Kentucky into the frontier of northwest Illinois.

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Bishop At Journey Of Hope 2

Connecting and forming relationships across the conference

Bishop Dan Schwerin, newly assigned episcopal leader for the Northern Illinois Conference, spent his first month focused on meeting key leaders within the conference and the denomination. A cabinet retreat and bishop training, locally and across the country, filled his calendar. Late January and February were set aside to work on forming relationships across our conference.

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Ashton Breakfast 2

Ashton UMC gives it a shot

The people of Ashton United Methodist Church really stepped up. For quite a while, many of them have been supporting the high school students by attending many of their events. At one of the basketball games, Pastor Jan said to the coach, Mike Messer, “We need to find a way to honor these kids; maybe a breakfast or a pizza night.” Coach Messer replied that they would be having a Saturday game in a couple of weeks, so breakfast would be nice before the game.

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Bishop Schwerin ready to start in the new year

At the consecration service, Bishop Schwerin learned he would be assigned to the Northern Illinois Conference effective Jan. 1, 2023, for which he expressed his gratitude. “I've been your neighbor for many, many years. I am so grateful to be assigned to the Northern Illinois Annual Conference," said Schwerin. "You have a history of justice-seeking ministry that humbles me and makes me grateful to be called to be assigned to you. I look forward to making relationships with you, learning from you, and shepherding with you."  

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Bishop's Column: Hearing the call

When I think of being called into ministry, I think of my father. Oh, he wasn’t a pastor. He was a mechanic who quit school in the eighth grade and was mostly a “home” Baptist. That means he did not go to church very much. He was “spiritual” but not “religious” long before those were sociological categories. 

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