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Invite to Day of Prayer

Two years ago, the Northern Illinois Conference approved a strategic plan focused on three primary goals for our conference and congregations. Task Forces were formed, and even with the challenges of a global pandemic, great strides have been made in this movement, strengthening discipleship, addressing racism, and building vital congregations.

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Update on Boy Scouts of America Bankruptcy Case

While the bankruptcy case is ongoing, the Boy Scouts of America, along with its local councils, recently reached an agreement with representatives of most of the survivors on a proposed $850 million settlement. This would be the largest settlement in a child sexual abuse case in U.S. history.

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Crop Walk

Participate in a Crop Walk

If you don’t have a local CROP Hunger Walk in your community, join us for the 2021 National CROP Hunger Walk on World Food Day, October 16.  We will walk to end hunger in the U.S. and around the world!

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Prayer for 20th Anniversary of 9/11

We remember, God of history and remembrance, we remember. We remember when the towers fell and the lives were lost; we remember the dust and the smoke, the despair, and the grief. We remember that sense of vulnerability and shock. We remember the numbness that overwhelmed us as we watched our screens for hours and hours, waiting for an explanation and understanding that never came. We remember.

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Church Conference Forms Available

It's Church Conference season! Online forms are ready to fill out and submit two weeks before your scheduled church conference.

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Justice Generation Logo

Justice Generation Opportunities

The NIC Anti-Racism Task Force is seeking United Methodist high school students who have an interest in learning, developing, and engaging in racial justice work in the church and community with Justice Generation for the 2021-2022 school year.

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