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Small-town or rural ministries may apply for Keagy grants

Is your church in a small town or rural area (that is, not in an urban or suburban location)? Have you been dreaming of a creative ministry opportunity in your community, but need a little financial help?  The Northern Illinois Conference offers two grants that are funded by a bequest from Martin Keagy, who had a big heart for small-town and rural churches.

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Korean Esl Class

Church hosts ESL classes for students in South Korea

Students in South Korea partnered with members of St. Andrews in Carol Stream to attend an English as a Second Language class via Zoom. The class was held once a week to improve their English and understanding of American culture. The class celebrated their one-year anniversary on the first of September.

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Herb John of Wesley UMC, Aurora, Receives UM Men Award

Herb John of Wesley United Methodist Church in Aurora has won the Jean Bush Award from the Northern Illinois Conference's United Methodist Men for inspiring leadership and growth in NIC men's ministries. 

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Vacation Bible Schools taking place across the conference

Many churches have been holding Vacation Bible School and Day Camps through out the summer. We enjoy seeing churches getting back together - all the different themes, kids and fun being had.

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Mission Trip

Many churches and youth are participating in Mission Trips this summer

Many churches are starting up Mission Trips after a pause or change due COVID. It is great to see everyone being the hands and feet of Christ in our word.

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Pilgrims to U.S./Mexico Border Observe Danger and Hope

Migrants come to Nogales--a city that spans the U.S./Mexico border--from all over Central and South America, fleeing from dangerous life situations. Seven lay people and three clergy from the Northern Illinois Conference traveled to that city from March 20 to 24 to observe up close the hardship and courage of those who cross or live near the border. The group took a pilgrimage to Nogales from March 20 to 24 to learn about the migrant experience.

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