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Dsc 0025

Author speaks on Emmett Till Chicago connection

It was a time of reflecting and rejoicing at the Northern Illinois Conference’s annual Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. service on Jan. 20 at Faith United Methodist Church in Orland Park, Ill. The service was filled with prayers, music and honoring the life and legacy of Dr. King who would have turned 90 this year. 

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Tim Tyson keynote at Martin Luther King Celebration

Bishop Sally Dyck invites you to this year’s Martin Luther King Jr. annual celebration on Sunday, Jan. 20 at 4 p.m. at  Faith UMC, 15101 S 80th Ave., Orland Park, IL. Distinguished author Timothy B. Tyson is our special guest and will speak on “Emmett Till: The Chicago Connection then and now.” 

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Bill Buchholtz

CONAM and the Native American ministry of presence

The NIC Committee on Native American Ministries (CONAM) says it's never too early or too late to hold a Native American Sunday service.

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Bishop Column: Giving witness at the border

At the end of August, Bishop Sally Dyck traveled to the border of Mexico at McAllen, TX with the General Board of Church and Society to witness, and to give witness, to the plight of those who are seeking asylum and refuge in the US from Mexico and Central America.

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NIJFON announces new executive director

After a three month search, the Northern Illinois Justice For Our Neighbors (NIJFON) is pleased to announce Claudia Marchan as the organization’s first executive director. 

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Shepherding Team strategizes this summer

Members of the Annual Conference Shepherding team met twice over the summer to continue their work on strategic planning while working toward new goals for the Conference. 

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