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United Methodist Men Announces New Resources and Brand

The General Commission on United Methodist Men (GCUMM) is introducing a “modern way” of doing men’s ministry. Greg Arnold, General Secretary and CEO, said we are approaching men’s and scouting ministry with a much larger and more modern vision.

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Bishop's Easter Message

This is a time to let go of all that burdens us and claim our relationship with a Risen Savior who gives us hope in every circumstance.

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Prayers for Ukranian Methodists

Several years ago, Bishop Eduardo Khegay, Resident Bishop of the Eurasia Episcopal Area, and the Moscow UMC Seminary President invited me to help train new church planters. I met a wide assortment of pastors and church leaders from around the entire region, including the Ukrainian District Superintendent, Rev. Oleg Starodubets, who also serves Kyrgystan, Kazakhstan, and Uzbekistan. He is a man with a passion for growing Christ's church, and my prayers are with him and his family at this time.

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United Methodist Women is now United Women in Faith

United Methodist Women is now United Women in Faith. The move is part of a refreshing of the organization that includes a new logo and an array of new and improved programs to nurture current members and welcome new women to join to put their love in action on behalf of women, children, and youth.

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Bishop Hopkins' Instructions for Lent

As we begin a forty-day journey into Lent on Ash Wednesday, Bishop John L. Hopkins gives us four key instructions for the journey.

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Church recognized for community outreach

Attending the local Chamber of Commerce's annual awards banquet last August, the Rev. Megan Smick, who leads Oregon UMC in the Prairie South District, received a big surprise for her small church. "I was flabbergasted!" said Smick, who had no idea she would be presented with the 2021 Civic Leadership Award for Oregon UMC that evening.

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