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Plarn projects weave communities and ministry

A new mission project from Midwest Mission is being woven across Northern Illinois. Church groups are turning clean plastic shopping bags into sleeping mats. The mats are distributed to organizations around the world that serve people who lack homes, who have been displaced by disaster, or who need temporary sleeping arrangements—anyone who needs a clean, dry barrier between them and the ground.

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First Korean celebrates 100 years of ministry

First Korean United Methodist Church in Wheeling celebrated 100 years of ministry on Oct. 4, and Korean-American United Methodists from around the nation were on hand to celebrate with them.

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Vacation Bible Schools taking place across the conference

Many churches have been holding Vacation Bible School and Day Camps through out the summer. We enjoy seeing churches getting back together - all the different themes, kids and fun being had.

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Mission Trip

Many churches and youth are participating in Mission Trips this summer

Many churches are starting up Mission Trips after a pause or change due COVID. It is great to see everyone being the hands and feet of Christ in our word.

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Solar Panels By Moritz Kindler

Green Community Outreach Earns Grants for Hartzell Memorial and Grace (Logan Square) UMCs

Many churches would love to have more money available to serve their communities with Christ’s love—and to become more environmentally responsible at the same time. Grace United Methodist Church, Logan Square, and Hartzell Memorial United Methodist (both in Chicago) recently received Chicago Recovery Grants that will make this possible.

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Bishop At Journey Of Hope 2

Connecting and forming relationships across the conference

Bishop Dan Schwerin, newly assigned episcopal leader for the Northern Illinois Conference, spent his first month focused on meeting key leaders within the conference and the denomination. A cabinet retreat and bishop training, locally and across the country, filled his calendar. Late January and February were set aside to work on forming relationships across our conference.

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