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Laity Sunday 2022 October 16 2 Tim 18 12

Laity Sunday

This year’s Laity Sunday falls on Oct. 16. The theme is RISE UP! - and Reveal God’s grace (2 Tim 1:8-12). Under the call to Rise Up, laity in the current quadrennium will continue to echo the invitation of this passage: to Rise Up and revive God’s gift of faith.

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GCUMM shares new path forward for Scouting ministry

The long-anticipated wait is coming to an end as a new era of Scouting ministry in The United Methodist Church makes its way forward. A highly skilled team of chancellors, insurance risk advisors, and UMC leaders have forged a path through a difficult landscape to provide a safer way for Scouting ministry to continue within local United Methodist churches.

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Bishop Hopkins' Instructions for Lent

As we begin a forty-day journey into Lent on Ash Wednesday, Bishop John L. Hopkins gives us four key instructions for the journey.

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Annual Conference meets for fall session

In a continuation of the 182nd Northern Illinois Annual Conference with the theme "Jesus Makes a Way," more than 600 members gathered for a half-day fall session held virtually through Zoom on October 2 to vote on the budget, a nominations slate, Board of Pension proposals and other business. 

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A Wesleyan take on personal finance

Saving Grace is a six-session course mainly intended for small groups, with extra content for clergy, who have special circumstances in such areas as housing and taxes. Participants use a workbook (the primary cost), and there’s a leader’s guide, too.

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Hopkins John L

Bishop Column: Is our emphasis on clergy or lay ministry?

In the early years of the United Methodist movement, clergy were itinerant. They traveled from place to place, taking the good news of Jesus Christ to people, baptizing converts, identifying local leaders, organizing small groups of disciples, and moving on with the assurance they would return for more preaching and teaching.

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