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Bishop's Pastoral Letter

As most of you may know, yesterday the Judicial Council, the nine-member top court of The United Methodist Church, released their rulings from February’s Special General Conference related to the Traditional Plan and disaffiliation legislation.

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Mission ready and disaster prepared

Have you always been interested in joining a mission team but don’t know what to do or how to do it? The NIC United Methodist Volunteers In Mission (UMVIM) committee is reorganizing and ready to get you and your team started. Mission journeys are opportunities for both lay and clergy to offer their skills and talents for Christian service at home and around the world. 

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Preaching and Talking about General Conference 2019

This Sunday and in the weeks to come United Methodist pastors everywhere will be addressing their congregations about the decisions of General Conference 2019. Church members will have different reactions to the decisions and may have questions about how this will affect them or their congregation. Here are some talking points pastors may find helpful as they prepare to preach and lead discussions.

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General/Jurisdicational Delegate Elections

At the 2019 Annual Conference, elections for clergy and lay delegates will be held for the 2020 General and Jurisdictional Conferences. Lay members to Annual Conference interested in being nominated need to fill out an online form.

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Traditional Plan potential impact on pensions

Response from the Northern Illinois Conference Board of Pensions To Clergy Members of the Northern Illinois Conference. 

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Author speaks on Emmett Till Chicago connection

It was a time of reflecting and rejoicing at the Northern Illinois Conference’s annual Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. service on Jan. 20 at Faith United Methodist Church in Orland Park, Ill. The service was filled with prayers, music and honoring the life and legacy of Dr. King who would have turned 90 this year. 

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