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Coronavirus Response

As we approach another first Sunday communion in April (most United Methodist churches observe communion on the first Sunday although some serve communion every Sunday) and Holy Week, and we continue to find ourselves in the midst of the coronavirus, we need to reflect with each other about how to be faithful in our times.

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We live in a coronavirus world...

All of us are undoubtedly watching the news about the coronavirus, wondering how complacent or hypervigilant we should be. As I write this, I’m traveling and trust that I won’t be exposed to it by others. And others are trusting that I’m not exposing them. How do I live as a person of faith in such a climate? I think Jesus would want me to be as kind and courteous as I can to my neighbor in the next seat or standing in line...just like Jesus always wants me to be.

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From the Bishop: Environmental racism exists in our own backyard

With Earth Day coming up, I would encourage churches to think about the ways racism impacts the environment. First, let’s look at the definition of environmental racism.

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Bracelets help Bahamas

A dollar can go a long way. Second-grader Olivia Hoffman learned that selling her handmade rubber band loom bracelets for one dollar not only adds up but also makes a big difference.

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Farming community weathering difficult season

Farmers in northern Illinois say it's been a stressful season after a cold, rainy spring and a dry July took a toll on crops. Many are uncertain what the harvest will yield.

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Mission ready and disaster prepared

Have you always been interested in joining a mission team but don’t know what to do or how to do it? The NIC United Methodist Volunteers In Mission (UMVIM) committee is reorganizing and ready to get you and your team started. Mission journeys are opportunities for both lay and clergy to offer their skills and talents for Christian service at home and around the world. 

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