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Sunday School Outing 1920s 300x226

175th Anniversary: A reflection of the past - Pt. 2

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175th Anniversary: A reflection of the past

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Amended Special Session Resolution Passes

Thanks to the new Red Door Refinance Program, overwhelmingly approved by members of Annual Conference at a special session on Mar. 16, up to 30 NIC churches will be able to refinance existing loan agreements at 4.5% for 20 years under a collective (up to) $25 million dollar mortgage through Wintrust Bank. A reserve fund will also be established to assist with cash flow, to offset any interest rate jumps and for any unforeseen circumstances.

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Moving toward repentance

How do we engage in any real repentance? That was the question asked at the Act of Repentance Toward Healing Relationships with Indigenous Peoples at General Conference April 27.

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