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Korean-American pastors pray for North Korea and US summit

In anticipation of the historic summit in Singapore between the leaders of North Korea and the U.S., the first for these two countries, Korean-American United Methodists in the Northern Illinois Conference gathered for prayers for peace. 

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United Voices for Children gives outstanding advocacy awards

United Voices for Children presented their three awards for outstanding advocacy and service for children and youth in Northern Illinois to four recipients at their annual breakfast at the 2018 Northern Illinois Annual Conference.

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Churches go above and beyond mission challenge

The mission trailer was filled to capacity at Annual Conference! Every district met or exceeded their goals when cash donations to UMCOR and the Midwest Mission Distribution Center were included. 

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United Methodist Bishops Recommend a Way Forward

United Methodist bishops, meeting in Chicago, engaged in a prayerful process to discern a way forward. Having received and considered the extensive work of the Commission on a Way Forward, the Council of Bishops will submit a report to the Special Session of the General Conference in 2019

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The church is watching, waiting, UMC Bishops told

United Methodist bishops were reminded that the church is watching, waiting and wondering if and how they will lead the denomination into the future at the opening of the 2018 April/May meeting of the Council of Bishops at the Hilton Rosemont Hotel outside Chicago.

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Celebrate The United Methodist Church's 50th Anniversary

Fifty years ago, Evangelical United Brethren (EUB) Bishop Rueben H. Mueller and Methodist Bishop Lloyd C. Wicke joined hands over a table laden with symbols---the Bible, hymnals, books of Discipline and a 307-page "Plan of Union." 1,300 delegates and 10,000 visitors met in Dallas, Texas on April 23, 1968 proclaiming the formation of the newly-constituted United Methodist Church.

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