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Conference Hispanic Ministries celebrated

More than a hundred people gathered at Epworth United Methodist Church in Elgin on Sept. 8, 2018, to celebrate the many Hispanic/Latinx ministries in the Northern Illinois Conference. The day included testimonies from five different pastors, one from each district, serving Hispanic congregations, workshops, and worship with communion.

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Update from your 2019 General Conference Special Session Delegation

Delegation members are studying the report from the Commission on The Way Forward and beginning strategy discussions.

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What's cooking in kid's ministries?

Kids strapped on aprons and put their chefs hats on for a weeklong camp to learn how to cook inside the kitchen at First United Methodist Church in Freeport this summer. This was the first of its kind Kids Culinary Camp at the church which was all hands-on.

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Did You Know – Program ministry grants have launched

For years the Northern Illinois Conference has had a tradition of encouraging local churches to dream beyond their current ministries by offering small grants for new and creative experiments. With the transition to the Annual Conference Shepherding Team in 2017, we have been realigning the Program Ministries of the conference to address today’s realities. This fall we are excited to launch a newly organized granting structure to help our congregations experiment with ministries that are risk-taking and adventurous.  

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Shepherding Team strategizes this summer

Members of the Annual Conference Shepherding team met twice over the summer to continue their work on strategic planning while working toward new goals for the Conference. 

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Church’s neighborly outreach to school builds relationships and community

When the nearly 300 elementary students go back to the classroom at Rochelle’s Central School this fall, their next door neighbor will be by their side. Through their “Love Thy Neighbor” ministry, Rochelle United Methodist church, which sits across the street from the school, has been reaching out to Central School through a variety of neighborly gestures.

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