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Local pastors called to service to churches, communities

On Sept. 21, NIC local pastors, associate members, district supply pastors, and certified lay Ministers gathered for “Brunch with the Bishop” at Naperville: Wheatland Salem to share more about their outreach ministries, such as “Kid’s Card Corner,” in their local settings. 

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UMF Celebrates 70th anniversary

The United Methodist Foundation (UMF) of the Northern Illinois Conference celebrated 70 years of “encouraging lifelong generosity with God’s abundance” on Sunday, October 13 at the DoubleTree Conference Center in Downers Grove. Approximately 200 UMF supporters gathered to connect with each other, honor former Foundation presidents and board members, hear the testimony of a UMF covenant group, and enjoy the stories of UMF’s special 70th Anniversary grantees.

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Delving Deeper into topic of race

For the last three years, under the aegis of the theme Skin in The Game, United Voices for Children (UVC) has succeeded in creating courageous space and facilitating critical conversations on how race—on both a systemic and individual basis—affects the ways that children and families are served. This year’s workshop held on September 14 and entitled “Delving Deeper; Race and Well-Being,” convened a diverse group of more than 50 people including, faith leaders, educators and social workers who serve children and their families.

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Trainings around the NIC fan the flame of discipleship

The week of September 9, approximately 350 clergy and laity attended one of six Discipleship Systems training sessions across the NIC led by Jeff Campbell, Associate General Secretary for Strategic Programming with Discipleship Ministries (UM General Board of Discipleship).

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NIU Campus Ministry Reinvented

This fall, the Wesley Foundation at Northern Illinois University (NIU) has undergone a name change and has a newly appointed campus minister.

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BMCR celebrates 50 years and looks to the future

On Sunday, June 30, the Black Methodists for Church Renewal (BMCR) held its Annual Worship Celebration at historic St. Mark UMC, a Northern Illinois Conference (NIC) Chicago Southern District landmark church that produced Chicago BMCR founders and early leaders such as Rev. Maceo D. Pembroke, Sr., Rev. William T. Carter, Helen M. Fannings (Ammons) and Marie McFarland. 

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