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Apportionment Statement Changes

In response to questions from churches following the Special Session of General Conference regarding designation of apportionment funds, we have changed the NIC apportionment statement. The new statement will provide more information about the ministries supported by your local church, designating contributions to three NIC funds and seven general conference funds.

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Send a youth to camp!

NIC Outdoor and Retreat Ministries are excited to be designated as the 2019 Bishop's Appeal because our over-arching purpose is to support and strengthen local congregations in their mission of making disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.

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Overflow crowds attend Bishop debriefings

More than a thousand clergy and laity gathered at three debriefings across the NIC last weekend – overflowing the space in two locations – to learn more about what did and didn't happen at the Special Session of General Conference in St. Louis. 

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Mission ready and disaster prepared

Have you always been interested in joining a mission team but don’t know what to do or how to do it? The NIC United Methodist Volunteers In Mission (UMVIM) committee is reorganizing and ready to get you and your team started. Mission journeys are opportunities for both lay and clergy to offer their skills and talents for Christian service at home and around the world. 

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Ecumenical, Interfaith, and Inter-religious Survey

The CCUIR (Commission on Christian Unity and Inter-religious Relationships) of the Northern Illinois Conference requests a few minutes of your time to take a survey to help us to better understand the important work our NIC congregations and individuals (both lay and clergy) are already doing.

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Global Migration Ministry Grants available

Great news! Thanks to the generosity of NIC Churches who gave a record offering for the 2018 Bishop’s Appeal related to the Global Migration Crisis last year, a portion of those funds are now available in the form of grants to churches seeking to start new activities, programs, or ministries for refugees and immigrants.

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