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Shelteringin Love

UMCOR launches COVID-19 Response Fund

The United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR) is expanding its efforts in the fight against the novel coronavirus and the disease it causes, COVID-19. UMCOR has launched a giving campaign, “Sheltering in Love,” to assist vulnerable communities in the United States and around the world.

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Churches and congregations get creative to show they care

To pass the time during the COVID-19 pandemic and to connect with her congregation, while providing some comic relief, the Rev. Mary Bohall, senior pastor at First United Methodist Church in Mendota, has been sharing videos twice daily on Facebook and YouTube including sharing her dog Tucker’s latest tricks. While there was an influx of views, Bohall says there was little engagement from the community. So, she and her husband Andrew came up with a hair raising idea.

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Mental health resources in times of crisis

This coronavirus pandemic and social distancing restrictions may be causing increased feelings of anxiety, loneliness, isolation, and other fears for some. The NIC Committee on Accessibility Ministries asks pastors and caregivers: How are you taking care of yourself in the midst of caring for others at this time? First, pace yourself. Second, be your own best friend.

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Digital Earth Day

Amid coronavirus (COVID-19) global pandemic concerns, Earth Day Network, the global organizer of Earth Day, will mark the 50th anniversary of Earth Day much differently this year.

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Easter Message2001

Bishop Sally Dyck's Easter Message

This Easter may feel empty for many of us as we all are impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. Our churches are empty. No lilies nor hyacinths wafting their strong sweet smell. No pews filled with people dressed in their best clothes. No choirs singing the alleluias or trumpets sending chills down our legs just hearing the introduction to “Christ the Lord Is Risen Today.” Our tables are emptier than we would like; we have empty chairs that friends and family would otherwise be filling.

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What to know when using Zoom

Many churches use the Zoom video calling app, an easy-to-use tool that allows for the type of two-way interaction that congregations enjoy.  Zoom is easy to use for both hosts and participants, but IT experts advise host organizations to protect themselves from so-called “Zoom bombers.”

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