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Bishop Malone returns home preaching a message of courageous conviction

It was a joyous celebration filled with thanksgiving at the 2021 Ordination and Commissioning service held the evening of October 1 in the sanctuary at Barrington United Methodist Church. 

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Invite to Day of Prayer

Two years ago, the Northern Illinois Conference approved a strategic plan focused on three primary goals for our conference and congregations. Task Forces were formed, and even with the challenges of a global pandemic, great strides have been made in this movement, strengthening discipleship, addressing racism, and building vital congregations.

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Jesus Makes a Way in 2021

More than 600 participants of the 182nd session of the Northern Annual Illinois Conference, with the theme "Jesus Makes a Way," made their way onto Zoom to take part in two days of business, voting, reports, Bible study and worship services from July 16-17, 2021.

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Bishop Column: Is our emphasis on clergy or lay ministry?

In the early years of the United Methodist movement, clergy were itinerant. They traveled from place to place, taking the good news of Jesus Christ to people, baptizing converts, identifying local leaders, organizing small groups of disciples, and moving on with the assurance they would return for more preaching and teaching.

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Illinois Enters Phase 5

What a year this has been. With God’s grace, we have found our way through the maze of a global pandemic, not a journey any of us claim lightly. This Friday, Illinois arrives at Phase 5. What a day of rejoicing we are in. You and your congregation have been part of this accomplishment. You have found ways to be a community to one another from a distance. You have found ways to be in your community as a witness of Christ's love.

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Seeking Church Hosts for Vaccine Clinics

The Northern Illinois Conference and Illinois Great Rivers Conference are teaming up with the Illinois Department of Health to provide 100 vaccination sites around our state by the end of May. This push toward helping get more people vaccinated is key to fully entering Phase 5 of the Restore Illinois plan. The best thing we can do to return to fully worship is to be vaccinated.

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