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What's cooking in kid's ministries?

Kids strapped on aprons and put their chefs hats on for a weeklong camp to learn how to cook inside the kitchen at First United Methodist Church in Freeport this summer. This was the first of its kind Kids Culinary Camp at the church which was all hands-on.

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Church’s neighborly outreach to school builds relationships and community

When the nearly 300 elementary students go back to the classroom at Rochelle’s Central School this fall, their next door neighbor will be by their side. Through their “Love Thy Neighbor” ministry, Rochelle United Methodist church, which sits across the street from the school, has been reaching out to Central School through a variety of neighborly gestures.

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Colors Of Love Logo W Date

Registration open for Colors of Love Workshop

Registration is open for the Colors of Love: Raising Children in a Racially Unjust World training event on Saturday, August 25 from 8:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.

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Did you Know - “Youth Ministries Abound”

Every year during annual conference, some great questions are raised as we review the conference budget. From administrative costs to congregational care to programming, we want you to know your apportionment dollars are making a difference. 

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United Voices for Children gives outstanding advocacy awards

United Voices for Children presented their three awards for outstanding advocacy and service for children and youth in Northern Illinois to four recipients at their annual breakfast at the 2018 Northern Illinois Annual Conference.

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Order Golden Cross Sunday envelopes

Golden Cross Sunday is observed in the month of May in honor of older adults in your congregation.

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