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New Uvc Logo Final

United Voices for Children Year in Review

Going into 2021, United Voices for Children (UVC) was determined to continue advocating for at-risk Illinois children and their families and raising awareness of its affiliated agencies Kids Above All, MYSI, Inc., and Rosecrance. The events of 2020 had exposed systemic issues that placed vulnerable populations at risk; for children and families in the crosshairs of poverty, violence, and inequality, the pandemic was a disaster. 

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Update on Boy Scouts of America Bankruptcy Case

While the bankruptcy case is ongoing, the Boy Scouts of America, along with its local councils, recently reached an agreement with representatives of most of the survivors on a proposed $850 million settlement. This would be the largest settlement in a child sexual abuse case in U.S. history.

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Justice Generation Logo

Justice Generation Opportunities

The NIC Anti-Racism Task Force is seeking United Methodist high school students who have an interest in learning, developing, and engaging in racial justice work in the church and community with Justice Generation for the 2021-2022 school year.

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Summer Camp Registration Open

Summer camps will be held in person at Camp Reynoldswood in Dixon, IL from June through August. Online registration is open.

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Justice Camp Counselors Wanted

Want to "travel" virtually and volunteer on a meaningful journey toward racial justice with high school students? Apply to be a Justice Camp counselor!

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Justice Camp Logo 2021

Justice Camp Coming this Summer

The Northern Illinois Conference Anti-Racism Task Force Justice Generation is hosting Justice Camp for high school students around the United States. Justice Generation is partnering with United Methodist Volunteers in Mission (UMVIM) offices across the U.S. to host Justice Camp, a virtual tour starting in Chicago at the DuSable Museum and traveling to Montgomery, AL and Tulsa, OK.

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